Prices for person:
€ 270 in double room
€360 in single room
The price includes:
-three nights in hotel
-three breakfast in hotel
-three dinner in hotel - Beer and drinks INCLUDED
-one lunch during Saturday parade
-happy hour during Saturday parade
-external pool access
-beach access
-beach umbrella and deckchair
-shows and entertainment
€360 in single room
The price includes:
-three nights in hotel
-three breakfast in hotel
-three dinner in hotel - Beer and drinks INCLUDED
-one lunch during Saturday parade
-happy hour during Saturday parade
-external pool access
-beach access
-beach umbrella and deckchair
-shows and entertainment
You can add additional days of stay at a discounted price. Contact the hotel directly specifying that you are a participant of INZANE Italy.
After the reservation you must send a 75€ deposit per person within 30 days.
If the deposit won’t be payed in 30 days, the reservation will be delated.
The balance is to be payed by February 25th 2019.
If the balance won’t be payed within the settled deadline, the reservation will be delated with the deposit loss.
Both the deposit and the balance have to be paid on the following bank account:
The balance is to be payed by February 25th 2019.
If the balance won’t be payed within the settled deadline, the reservation will be delated with the deposit loss.
Both the deposit and the balance have to be paid on the following bank account:
Insert Name, Surname and registration number.
IBAN: IT44Z0521655090000000001116
BANCA: Credito Valtellinese - Via V. Busi, N. 62, C.A.P. 25086 Rezzato BS